“Blockchain and the web will connect together in lots of interesting ways,” said Sir Tim Berners-Lee. Sir Tim Berners-Lee is a famous computer scientist and academic who invented... Read more
A research team at Middlesex University has released their ‘Music on the blockchain’ report. If blockchain technology can help the commercial and contractual relationships in mus... Read more
Ever wonder where the coffee in you drink in the morning, the rice at lunch or the cashew in your favorite snack come from? Chances are they were produced by one of the 500 million farmers i... Read more
Blockchain technology is extensible to all kinds of transactions. When AI teams up with blockchain it is especially powerful. Many industries will be impacted by intelligent blockchains. Eve... Read more
“Think about where we were with the internet in 1993,” he said. “That’s about where we are today with AI.” In what we imagine will become one of the most quickly realized use-cases for block... Read more
Tara Vancil is a programmer and decentralized Web enthusiast in Austin, TX. Earlier this month, I spoke at bangbangcon about how Merkle trees are the backbone of nearly all decentralized tec... Read more