The demand for bitcoin is growing rapidly. In 2017 alone the total crypocurrenty market capital grew 100 times. This large increase is likely caused by the increased adoption of blockchain technology, hedge funds getting invested, and increased awareness under private investors like you and me.
In this article I would like to describe how to get invested into bitcoin in 3 simple steps;
- How to setup a wallet for receiving bitcoin.
- Get your public bitcoin address to receive bitcoin.
- How to buy bitcoin with fiat (e.g. EUR, USD).
WARNING: the cryptocurrency market is small and volatile. Prices may rise and drop rapidly.
Setup a Bitcoin Wallet
A bitcoin wallet is a digital wallet in which you can store and manage your bitcoin. Two popular, easy to use wallets are Coinbase and Exodus.
1. Go to the Exodus webpage and download + install the wallet (here).
2. Run Exodus.
3. Great that was easy! You are all set to receive bitcoin (+ other crypocurrencies which are supported by Exodus).
1. Go to the Coinbase webpage and register with a strong password (here).
2. Login, go to settings > Security, and setup 2 factor authentication. This will make sure you always login with password + another device for extra security.

3. That’s all, you are now ready to receive bitcoins!
Source/More: How to Buy Bitcoin in 3 simple steps – Lars Sinke – Medium